- Publisher: Love-Based Publishing
- Available in: Kindle, Nook, Google, Kobo, Paperback
- Published: July 7, 2020
Throughout history, women in business have often tried to cram themselves into a mold designed by men. If they didn’t, they took a back seat.
Until now.
Women entrepreneurs are in the midst of an uprising! We now realize that, when we step out of that man-made mold and embrace a new way of doing business, we thrive.
According to Julie Foucht, author of Love-Based Feminine Marketing: The Art of Growing a 6-Figure Business Without Hustle, Grind, or Force, when you connect first to your Highest Self—the inner manifestation of your Divine Feminine (where new ideas are born), and then allow your Divine Masculine to take inspired action, you bring your vision into the physical plane.
You become a true innovator and thought leader.
In the pages of this book, you’ll discover how to connect: with Source, with your Highest Self, with the Energy of your business, and with your tribe, body, inner mastermind counsel, and money to effortlessly create and give birth to each of your visions.
Then, you’ll learn how to incorporate your inner journeys into concrete marketing strategies to grow your love-based business.
That is the work of the Feminine, and in this book, you’ll discover how to step into it to market your business in a way that feels aligned, empowers you to form deep connections with those you’re here to serve, and ultimately generates the business success you desire.
Discover powerful inner and outer strategies to ensure you’re spiritually and physically equipped to bring to life your visions for your business.
Consider this your map for igniting a sacred dance between your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, so you can transform the world in a powerful way via your Soul-work.
This highly acclaimed series has been featured on numerous media outlets, including Forbes, CBS and NPR.